Are You a Traveling Man?
Have you ever been asked if you are a traveling man? Ever wonder where that term came from?
As I dug into this topic, it’s clear that the origin, and even meaning of this term are unclear. Some say it alludes to a man’s journey from West to East, others say it refers to operative Masons and their unique privilege to travel about for work. Still others like me, think it means to travel in search of light.
Regardless of its origin, its modern meaning is understood by the majority to covertly inquire about a man’s Masonic affiliation.
However, this question manifests with me in a separate way.
Do you seek Masonic fellowship outside of your home lodge? What about outside the district or jurisdiction of your lodge?
As I was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in North Carolina, then moving to Washington state shortly thereafter, it was immediately obvious that Masonry is different around the country and around the world.
Since 2019, I have been attending Castle Island Virtual Lodge No. 190, Grand Lodge of Manitoba, Canada. On November 30th, 2022, I was elected as a plural member of CIVL190.
Why would I do something like this? Was it because of COVID? Nope. I began attending this lodge months before we even knew what COVID was. Do I think this would replace physical lodge attendance? No. I was then, and even more so now, seeking as diverse a Masonic experience as I can afford to pursue. I am not content with a singular brand of Masonry. I will never replace the in-person lodge meeting and the fraternal relationships I have here in my home lodges with the virtual experience. What I aim to do is bring what I experience through my “travels” back to share with my home lodges and conversely, share with my remote brothers what our gentle craft provides so abundantly at home.
The lock downs over 2020 and 2021 proved something unbelievably valuable for our civilization. Out of necessity, we were forcibly introduced to the fact we can efficiently work remotely, gather virtually, and learn with each other through the ether almost as if we were present in the same physical space.
From the Masonic perspective an entire world of possibility was opened unto us in the form of Masonic conferences being available to virtual attendees. Can’t afford to travel to South Pasadena for the South Pasadena Masonic Convention? No problem, there is a virtual option. While different from in person, it was a richly educational weekend with several speakers that I would have not had the opportunity to hear otherwise. Then there was Masonic Con Kansas, again an event that my schedule would not accommodate for physical travel, but virtual presence was an option. There was also the Esotericism in Freemasonry Conference in Seattle. This is one that I was able to attend in person. Also, another valuable experience that I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to attend.
I would contend that it is also possible to “travel” without leaving one’s lodge room. As the virtual meeting can allow participants from elsewhere, so can the physical gathering be opened to remote presentations from anywhere on the globe just as well. Brothers, we have great power and opportunity available to us. Let us not squander it by remaining conscripted to what we have always done. Carpe potestatem!
None of these experiences alone would round out my Masonic journey, but the balance of the physical and virtual has allowed my Masonic education to flourish.
I do consider myself a Traveling Man, in the truest sense of the term.